
The best eCommerce hosting solution

Secure and high quality hosting for your online store




Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting works for small and large businesses alike. Most businesses strive to grow and when they do, their website visits grow as well. Dedicated server is the best hosting solution for higher website traffic and handling peeks. On top of that, it is the most secure hosting option and has the least hassle because of the dedicated team it comes with, for full technical support.


VPS Hosting

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a virtualized server that is often housed in a private or public cloud infrastructure provider’s datacenter. Because cloud infrastructure is so powerful and dependable, many small, medium, and corporate firms are moving their production workloads to the cloud. The cost-effectiveness of running a server in the cloud is one of the major benefits of a virtual private server. Cloud computing is built to be fault-tolerant, redundant, and highly available from the start.


Level 1 PCI compliant

Shoppsy’s stores come with Level 1 PCI Compliant web hosting and shopping cart software. You may rest easy knowing that your customers’ information is safe.


Web and Managed Hosting

Not all businesses have an IT department with staff experienced in hosting. Businesses with popular websites can benefit greatly from managed hosting because of the reliability and security they get from experts in the field. Sometimes businesses do have their own IT department, but they are just more needed in other areas of the business. Managed web hosting, gives businesses the opportunity to deploy those resources where they are most needed. 



Shoppsy is built on Laravel, a strong PHP web framework that allows us to make rapid changes.


No hidden fees

Here at Shoppsy, we value fairness and transparency. Unlike competing eCommerce platforms, Shoppsy prices include unlimited bandwidth and no setup fees. You’ll never have to worry about unexpected cancellations or overage fines.

24/7 Support

You have a question, we have the answer.

Our team is here to complete your Shoppsy experience.